
Sustainable marketing and its impact on business growth and brand loyalty

  • Amsterdam, the Netherlands
    • 2023-10-27
    • Reading time: 8 minutes
Skyline with skyscrapers  and solar panels in front

Today, our planet is facing more environmental problems than ever before. That's why it's crucial for companies to show that they are environmentally friendly. Many studies show that consumers today prefer products that are safe for the environment and they choose companies that follow eco-friendly practices.

Providing marketing value through sustainability

Marketing is a big part of our world, affecting the environment and society. Nowadays, with the growing awareness of environmental issues, marketing's role in promoting sustainable practices is more important than ever. Modern society places a high priority on sustainable marketing since it is necessary to protect the environment for future generations as well as to support and integrate the local community. Marketing has a significant ability to influence cultural transformation as the link between business and society.

Consumers are increasingly looking to support companies and brands that are addressing environmental issues in a proactive, open, and sincere manner as awareness of the issue grows worldwide. Recognizing this shift, businesses are adopting a marketing approach that engages these consumers, speaks to their sense of social responsibility, and greatly influences their purchasing decisions. A strategic focus on sustainable marketing not only helps businesses fulfill their corporate social responsibilities but also provides them with a competitive edge in a market that values ethical and eco-friendly practices.

The green marketing mix

Many businesses are increasingly integrating green marketing into their regular marketing mix, which makes sense from a strategic perspective. This integration entails several key elements that contribute to a comprehensive approach to sustainability.

Product: Companies utilize environmentally friendly materials to create green products that not only benefit the consumer but also the environment. For instance, these products conserve energy or have a minimal impact on the atmosphere.

Place: This aspect refers to how and where products are made available to customers. Packaging is a critical consideration, with many companies now opting for biodegradable alternatives instead of plastic. Even the carbon footprint of the packaging facility is a concern.

Price: Green products often come with a higher price tag than conventional alternatives. Companies can address this by being transparent about their pricing, allowing customers to understand the value they're getting and why it's worth the investment.

Promotion: Green promotion involves marketing strategies that highlight a company's commitment to environmentally responsible practices and sustainability.

Successful sustainable businesses have Marketing managers that implement extensive sustainability programs that extend beyond the marketing team. These managers use their understanding of the customer and employee experience to apply sustainability initiatives throughout the whole organization. By fostering a culture of sustainability within the business, companies can ensure that their environmental efforts are integrated into every aspect of their operations, thereby maximizing their positive impact on the planet and society.

Team meeting in which sustainable pratices are discussed

Integrating the messaging throughout all of your marketing materials and platforms as a brand standard and not an add-on is an effective method to convey your business' sustainable practices. It ought to be a cornerstone of your company's values and personality. By highlighting the positive effects your business has on the environment and society, you may persuade customers to support such initiatives.

To boost brand awareness, trust, and sales growth, demonstrate your company’s sustainability leadership. If you can make consumers feel good about choosing your socially-conscious brand and products, you will gain an enviable competitive advantage. By consistently emphasizing your sustainable efforts, you can create a unique selling point that resonates with environmentally conscious consumers, fostering a loyal customer base that aligns with your brand's values and ethos.

Why is a sustainable brand necessary?

Brand equity can be increased through sustainable marketing. By using sustainable branding, businesses can lessen their environmental effect by reducing their carbon footprints and greenhouse gas emissions. There are numerous reasons why a sustainable brand is necessary.

Making the switch to sustainability is essential if you are serious about growing your company in emerging markets. Making the switch allows you to tap into markets you might have otherwise missed. In today's global marketplace, sustainable practices not only appeal to environmentally conscious consumers but also open up opportunities for businesses to expand into new markets, thereby fostering sustainable growth and development.

The exceedingly conscious Millennials and Gen Zs will abandon any brand that overlooks meaningful sustainability. They are the future, and they are willing to spend more money on a sustainable alternative. With the rise of environmentally conscious generations shaping consumer trends, businesses that prioritize sustainability can establish a strong connection with younger demographics, cultivating brand loyalty and long-term customer relationships based on shared values and ethical principles.

Businesses can persuade clients and socially aware consumers by exhibiting sustainability, which is a voluntary commitment to legal and ethical best practices, environmental friendliness, and corporate social responsibility. By showcasing a genuine dedication to sustainable practices, businesses can not only attract ethically minded customers but also contribute to broader social and environmental causes, thereby making a positive impact on communities and the planet.

The most successful brands are typically those that set new benchmarks and serve as role models in the business world. By prioritizing sustainability and actively engaging in eco-friendly practices, businesses can position themselves as industry leaders, inspiring other organizations to follow suit and contribute to a more sustainable and ethical business landscape.

Building a sustainable brand: what does it look like?

A sustainable brand is committed to long-term development, fostering enduring values and principles that prioritize the welfare of all, aiming to minimize its environmental impact.

It acknowledges its corporate responsibility, using its platform to facilitate dialogues and discussions that lead to social change, nurturing a sense of community and shared purpose among consumers and stakeholders.

It creates products and services that genuinely address issues without creating new ones, emphasizing the balance between social, environmental, and economic progress for the betterment of society and the planet.

In essence, a sustainable brand recognizes its influence on the world and endeavors to ensure that this influence leads to positive change in all spheres, aligning broader social and environmental goals.

Embracing sustainability with Planet Positive Workforce

Last but not least, implementing sustainable branding takes time because it frequently entails realigning your objectives and goals as well as changing your operations. While you gradually execute the changes, you may begin right away by rewriting the story that surrounds your brand and launching your new purpose as a sustainable business. By taking gradual steps to incorporate sustainable practices, businesses can create a narrative that aligns with their brand identity and values, fostering a sense of purpose and direction that resonates with consumers and stakeholders.

It might feel like a big undertaking, regardless of whether your business needs a total makeover or you've already taken steps in that direction. The first step in advancing up the sustainability ladder should be to define reasonable targets and benchmarks. You can start with Planet Positive Workforce - a Regreener initiative. By participating in initiatives such as Planet Positive Workforce, businesses can actively contribute to environmental conservation and sustainability, fostering a sense of responsibility and accountability for the well-being of the planet and future generations.

A business can offset the personal and professional carbon footprint of each of its employees, by paying a small monthly amount per employee, which is invested in several green projects such as tree planting, rainforest protection, and renewable energy projects. Through such initiatives, businesses can actively contribute to environmental conservation and sustainability, fostering a sense of responsibility and accountability for the well-being of the planet and future generations.

The impact is made visible in a public sustainability profile, for businesses to share with their customers. By transparently showcasing their sustainable efforts and initiatives, businesses can foster trust and credibility among consumers, encouraging them to support eco-conscious brands and contribute to broader environmental causes.

Screenshot from the regreener impact dashboard


Sales leads and customer loyalty increase when you make environmental awareness your top priority as a business. Environmentally friendly brands make more money and develop a reputation for being reliable and trustworthy in the long term. By prioritizing sustainability and environmental responsibility, businesses can establish themselves as leaders in the market, fostering a loyal customer base and a positive brand image that resonates with consumers and stakeholders.

Businesses should incorporate environmental and social sustainability into their marketing strategies for a variety of financial reasons. All of the justifications ultimately boil down to long-term competitive advantage, and taken as a whole, they support the business case for sustainability and brand recognition. By aligning business objectives with sustainable practices, businesses can create a unique selling proposition that sets them apart in the market, fostering a competitive edge and long-term success based on ethical and environmentally responsible business practices.

Take action today with Regreener

Boris Bekkering

Boris Bekkering Head of Climate Impact