
Regreener x Rainforest Partnership

  • Amsterdam, the Netherlands
    • 2021-06-22
    • Reading time: 3 minutes
Community workers in Ecuador posing for a group picture with Rainforest Partnership & Regreener logo

Regreener partners with Rainforest Partnership

As today is World Rainforest Day, we are very proud to announce that we have partnered with Rainforest Partnership. Rainforest Partnership is an environmental organization based in Austin, Texas that helps conserve and restore tropical rainforests. Their impact is made by working directly with local communities in their areas of focus to develop sustainable livelihoods that empower, benefit, and respect both people and nature.

Thriving rainforest in the Amazon during sunset

Tropical forest ecosystems and biodiversity

Tropical forest ecosystems and biodiversity are threatened by amongst others deforestation, oil extraction, mining, industrial agriculture, livestock, and forest fires. Many species are endangered, and their habitats fragmented, extractive activities contaminate water and land, and large areas of forest are cut down. By collaborating with local and indigenous communities, Rainforest Partnership supports the development of sustainable practices that protect and restore rainforests. Conservation and restoration of the landscape is done by protecting endangered species, regenerating degraded lands and protecting existing forest. Head to our project page to explore our project together in Ecuador. This way, Rainforest Partnership is making long-term impact. Rainforest conservation, including both preserving primary forest and restoring degraded forests, is a critical climate solution. Standing forests are some of the world’s largest carbon reserves, but they are being destroyed at an alarming rate. Only in 2020, the world lost 12 million hectares of tropical tree cover (Global Forest Watch). Burning or cutting down forests contributes to climate change, since all the carbon that is normally stored in them gets released into the atmosphere.


Partnership “Rainforest protection is key if we want to fight climate change. Together, Rainforest Partnership and Regreener will make a big impact. We want to thank Rainforest Partnership for the opportunity to partner with them, and we are looking forward to working together. The fact that we can announce this beautiful partnership on World Rainforest Day makes it extra special”, says Job van Hooijdonk (co-founder of Regreener). Niyanta Spelman (CEO of Rainforest Partnership): “Protecting our standing forests requires a collaborative, global effort; this new collaboration between Rainforest Partnership and Regreener brings us one step closer towards creating the healthy, thriving planet that we envision. As we announce this partnership on World Rainforest Day 2021, we invite everyone to actively protect forests through their consumption choices, and thank you for financially supporting the protection of standing forests through Regreener.”

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Boris Bekkering

Boris Bekkering Head of Climate Impact