
Allen & Overy joins Regreener

  • Amsterdam, the Netherlands
    • 2022-03-21
    • Reading time: 2 minutes
  • Paul Huisman, Head of Business Services at Allen & Overy Netherlands

"The partnership with Regreener is a promising step for A&O to show what measures we take to reduce our carbon footprint. Regreener enables us to show our colleagues what A&O is doing in terms of green impact on a monthly basis. This concerns projects such as (i) growing forests, (ii) protecting rainforests and (iii) supporting green energy projects. On our Regreener impact dashboard, we can see our green impact growing every month."


A&O aims for a global CO2-reduction of 50% by 2030 compared to 2019. By setting up a partnership with Regreener, A&O will actively contribute to the realization of green impact and support Regreener in sustainable projects such as reforestation in Kenya and Mozambique, and rainforest protection in Ecuador. Also, Regreener buys carbon credits and invests in the development of innovative, scalable solutions to combat climate change.

Allen overy impact graphic co2

A greener, more sustainable world

  • Job van Hooijdonk, co-founder of Regreener

"We are delighted that Regreener is now regreening the world with Allen & Overy, one of the world's leading law firms. The focus of our cooperation will be on the actual green impact realised. We will, for example plant trees, protect rainforests and support projects focused on green energy and renewables for and on behalf of Allen & Overy on a monthly basis. When I was a lawyer at a competing firm, I got to know A&O as a firm that stands for quality and innovation. That is why I am happy to welcome this firm as a partner. I look forward to a fruitful cooperation and to all the green impact we will realise together."

Take action today with Regreener

Boris Bekkering

Boris Bekkering Head of Climate Impact