
Guest blog by Eevery

  • Amsterdam, the Netherlands
    • 2023-01-19
    • Reading time: 3 minutes
aerial picture of trees offsetting carbon

Eevery is part of the Regreener community and offers an easy-to-use CO2 Calculator combined with a complete sustainability solution for SMEs.

Regreener partners with Eevery

About Eevery

We are the sustainability and improvement platform for SMEs. Our mission is to actively support SMEs to become more sustainable. We do this by helping these companies improve on environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues.

Our team is entirely focused on SMEs and the entrepreneurs who build them. After all, SMEs are the backbone of the economy, so they are not a group to be forgotten or ignored when it comes to sustainability. After all, many small steps have a huge impact.

Measure, improve and communicate your sustainability

Our platform was developed specifically from SMEs for SMEs. It simplifies sustainability, helps with concrete sustainability improvements and generates simple reports. We do this through three steps; measuring, improving and communicating sustainability. Our CO2 Calculator is part of this. After all, reducing CO2 emissions is an important part of the Climate Agreement and is therefore high on everyone's agenda To draw up an action plan to reduce and offset your CO2 emissions, you first need to know what your company's CO2 emissions are.

CO2 Calculator

Our CO2 Calculator calculates your company's CO2 emissions and footprint. Emissions are mapped using current emission factors, academic publications, international statistics and scientific estimates. This gives you a complete picture of your CO2 emissions. Our Calculator not only calculates your emissions but also provides a further breakdown by business category and relevant, quantifiable KPIs. Use these results to draw up your CO2 reduction plan and set reduction targets. In this way, save time and money in future-proofing your business.

Eevery & Regreener

After a CO2 calculation and insight into your emissions, CO2 reduction and offsetting is the logical next step. Our strategic partnership with Regreener fits in nicely with this. After all, Regreener helps our customers make a positive impact by offering them offsetting opportunities with their projects and showcasing their impact on the impact leaderboard for transparent public reporting.

On the other hand, we offer Regreener's customers a great first step towards CO2 offsetting by using our CO2 Calculator. Because to measure is to know! In addition, we take care of the process after CO2 offsetting; a complete sustainability strategy for your company. We do sustainability together. Be part of the solution.

Are you interested in what other steps you can take as a company to become more sustainable, check out our recent blog and get all the details.

Take action today with Regreener

Boris Bekkering

Boris Bekkering Head of Climate Impact