
Guest Blog: ICF

  • Amsterdam, The Netherlands
    • 2021-07-15
    • Reading time: 4 minutes
ICF and Regreener logo with close up of a frog as a background

The International Conservation Fund

Together with the Forgotten Parks Foundation, the International Conservation Fund is managing two wildlife reserves in Grand Katanga, located in the south of the Democratic Republic of Congo (“DRC”). Combined, these reserves are the same size as the Netherlands. In a 15-year partnership with the Congolese Institute for Nature Conservation (in French: Institut Congolais pour la Conservation de la Nature, “ICCN”) we will restore this area, depleted of wildlife due to heavy poaching for many decades. The importance of this project was emphasized by DRC’s head of state Félix Tshisekedi, wo participated in the virtual Leaders Summit on Climate hosted by President Biden. President Tshisekedi emphasized DRC’s commitment to the implementation of the Paris Agreement and the worldwide recognition of the importance of this project and it makes us, the ICF, very proud to contribute to one of the most important areas in the DRC, and maybe even the whole continent.

Mangroves planted in water in Africa

Who we are

We are a non-profit organization that protects, preserves and rebuilds nature and wildlife throughout the world, starting in the DRC, in the heart of Africa. Furthermore, we are a tribe for those who understand that action is needed if we want future generations to have access to our wild nature and its wildlife.

Protecting, preserving and rebuilding nature

Our role as an organization is to build bridges between the Western world and local communities in mostly unknown nature reserves at land and on sea. Those who need the right resources to protect, preserve, and rebuild its nature and wildlife. These reserves play an extremely important part in the worldwide biodiversity, and thus are crucial. We do this through worldwide fundraising and awareness campaigns.

These reserves play an extremely important part in the worldwide biodiversity, and thus are crucial.

The Green Alliance of Grand Katanga

The greatest opportunity for the prosperity and sustainable future of the DRC does not lie in the exploitation of its natural resources, but in its conservation! The DRC is in a unique position to become a global leader and catalyst in biodiversity conservation, climate change mitigation and the development of a green, diversified and thriving economy. In particular, the DRC is:

One of 17 megadiverse countries in the world, and one of three in Africa, with the potential to become a leader in tackling the biodiversity crisis. A global watershed including the largest tropical peatland complex on the planet, containing 30 billion metric tons of carbon – which equals three years of global emissions. With nearly 2 million square kilometers of tropical forest, it has the largest expanse of tropical forest in Africa. The Congo River, forming the world’s second largest primary watershed after the Amazon, has enormous potential to become a global carbon sink as well as a source of clean energy. Rangers play an essential role in protecting wild life

The vision of the International Conservation Fund is to help create a diversified and prosperous economy among the four provinces and territories of Grand Katanga, a vision based on the sustainable exploitation of their natural resources with the aim of playing a global leadership role in the integration of a green economy model capable of meeting the needs and aspirations of its people and wildlife.

Sustainable exploitation of natural resources is vital in protecting wild life. To protect wildlife, we are involved in training rangers. We just finished the training of the first group. The years to come will be crucial for our partners (and ourselves) in terms of long-term funding, building sustainable eco-tourism and securing one of the planets last remaining wild places, including all beautiful species it inhabits. We need all the help we can get so please do reach out if you, or your company would like to be involved. For more information, please visit International Conservation Fund.

We are looking forward to partner up with Regreener to make this world a better place. To safe, preserve and reintroduce. One animal – or – one tree at the time.

Explore our recent blog to learn about our partnership with Talent Empowerment and how we're teaming up with five Dutch Olympic athletes in the fight against climate change.

Take action today with Regreener

Boris Bekkering

Boris Bekkering Head of Climate Impact