
Offsetting flights with our Flight Compensator

  • Amsterdam, the Netherlands
    • 2023-02-19
    • Reading time: 4 minutes
Colour swirl with a plane illustration flying

Recently we launched our Flight Compensator tool This tool allows you to calculate the carbon emissions of your flights and offsets them through the purchase of carbon credits. By using this tool, you can take responsibility for your carbon footprint in case you have no other option than to fly. In this blog we'll explain in greater detail why we built this tool and how it works. Check it now.

Why we built the compensator

First and foremost, it is important to point out that flying is one of the least sustainable ways of travelling. Aviation is a major contributor to greenhouse gas emissions, which are a leading cause of climate change. For example, a one-person economy class roundtrip from Amsterdam to Barcelona (a distance of 1,239 kilometers) amounts to an estimated 500 kilograms (0.5 tonnes) of CO2 that is being emitted into the atmosphere. If you would travel by train this number is evidently lower: 38 kilograms for a roundtrip. If anything, we encourage you to look for more sustainable ways of travel, as can be found in this blog. At the same time, if you have no other option and you have to fly it is important to take responsibility for your emissions. Before taking responsibility, understanding the impact of your (travel) behavior is essential. By using our tool, you can assess the impact your flight has in terms of carbon emissions. Next to that, by offsetting your carbon emissions, you can help to reduce the overall impact of these emissions on the environment.

Another reason why offsetting is important is that it can help support clean energy projects and other initiatives that aim to reduce emissions and promote sustainability. These climate projects include wind farms, solar power plants, and reforestation efforts. By supporting these projects, you can help accelerate the transition to a cleaner and more sustainable future.

How it works: methodology

Our tool gives you accurate insights on flight emissions, based on the methodology of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO). This is a specialized agency of the United Nations that is responsible for regulating and promoting the development of international civil aviation.

The ICAO's main objectives include the development of technical standards and regulations for international air transport, the promotion of air navigation safety, and the facilitation of international air travel. It also works to address environmental issues related to aviation, including the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and the promotion of sustainable development in the aviation industry.

Simply fill in the relevant departure and arrival airport to help us calculate the emissions released by your trip. Each flight will be stored in your flight log, after which you can choose to offset (or double offset) your flight’s emissions.

The projects we support

The contributions that we receive through our Flight Compensator tool will be used for two types of projects. The majority will be used to offset the emissions through certified climate projects. The standards we use are Gold Standard, Verified Carbon Standard and CDM CER (UNFCCC). Next to that, 7.5% of your contribution will be used to support the projects of our partner AeroDelft. They are working on one of the first hydrogen-based, manned liquid hydrogen-powered aircraft. Through this project we aim to stimulate innovation in the aviation industry, working towards zero-emission aviation.

Questions or feedback?

We value your feedback greatly. If you have any questions, improvements or questions do not hesitate to let us know so we can improve the way we run Regreener. Drop us an email at or contact us via this page.

Take action today with Regreener

Boris Bekkering

Boris Bekkering Head of Climate Impact