
Positive Climate News

  • Amsterdam, the Netherlands
    • 2023-07-25
    • Reading time: 5 minutes
chameleon sitting on a branch

At Regreener, we believe it’s important to focus on positive green impact while fighting climate change. We want to make people aware of not just the problem of climate change, but also of possible solutions and related positive news and events.

Even though climate change is a big and scary problem, let’s not forget that good things occur all around the world, and that positive change is driven by people who work hard to make the world a better place.

Therefore, in this blog we put together a list of positive climate developments around the world for you.

EU packaging producers are embracing and implementing circularity

New research shows that a significant majority of surveyed European businesses (85%) have embraced a circular economy strategy, focusing on the reutilization and recycling of materials and products for extended periods. Among them, 21% expressed their ambition to achieve full circularity within three years, while 24% aimed to accomplish this goal within a three to four-year timeframe. An additional 23% anticipated meeting the objective within four to five years. However, a notable portion of respondents (11%) admitted to not having a circular economy strategy in place, while a further 5% were uncertain about their approach. (Circular online)

Study shows economic benefits of investing in nature

In a study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, it was revealed that if current trends of environmental degradation continue, countries will experience economic losses in the foreseeable future. However, the study also highlighted the potential for reversing these trends. Thomas Hertel, a co-author of the study and a Distinguished Professor of Agricultural Economics at Purdue, emphasized that traditional economic models often overlook the crucial role of nature in supporting the economy. (Wildlife)

New Zealand first country to ban single-use produce bags at grocery stores

Customers in New Zealand are not only required to bring their own shopping bags to grocery stores, but also encouraged to carry reusable bags specifically for fruits and vegetables. This groundbreaking initiative makes New Zealand the first country to ban single-use produce bags in supermarkets. The measure was officially implemented on July 1st. The significance of this move is emphasized by Palmer, who stated that an estimated 17,000 plastic bags were previously used every hour. In 2019, New Zealand took a proactive step by prohibiting stores from providing single-use plastic shopping bags altogether.If you want to take your sustainable shopping journey further, then check out our guide on sustainable shopping. (npr)

London artists raised €132,000,- to bring solar power to their neighbourhood

Driven by a desire to tackle climate change and reduce exorbitant energy bills, two artists in London have taken on the ambitious task of introducing solar power to their neighborhood. To fund their project, the creative couple employed attention-grabbing methods, such as spending three frigid winter weeks sleeping on the roof of their own house. This daring endeavor successfully enabled them to raise an impressive £113,000 (€132,000) through crowdfunding. With these funds, they are currently in the process of installing solar panels on numerous houses in the northern region of London. Their initiative aims to bring sustainable energy solutions to their community while making a significant contribution to combating climate change. (

Biden approves largest wind project yet off U.S. shores

The recent endorsement of the construction and operational plan for Ocean Wind 1 marks a significant milestone for the project, considering the intense opposition it has encountered from Republican lawmakers and New Jersey residents. If realized, this project would become the state's first utility-scale offshore wind farm, providing clean energy to potentially half a million households.For more details on how a wind project can look like, check out some of our wind projects, here and here, our head directly to our project page. (Washington Post)

Space based solar power successfully works

Space-based solar power (SBSP) has been a concept under consideration for more than fifty years, but recently, scientists have reached a significant milestone in its advancement. In June 2023, a team of researchers at the California Institute of Technology accomplished a major milestone by successfully transmitting solar power from space to Earth utilizing a prototype spacecraft named Maple. This groundbreaking achievement holds the potential to revolutionize energy distribution, particularly in remote regions and areas impacted by conflicts or natural calamities, where electricity accessibility is limited. Click here to explore other ground breaking sustainable innovation trends. (Happy Eco News)

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Boris Bekkering

Boris Bekkering Head of Climate Impact