
Project updates in Zambia and Ethiopia

  • Amsterdam, the Netherlands
    • 2023-04-14
    • Reading time: 5 minutes
Aerial picture of carbon neutral forest

We are thrilled to share with you our positive climate impact! In the past year, we have been supporting tree planting projects in Zambia and Ethiopia together with our tree planting partner WeForest. These projects have contributed to the social and environmental wellbeing of the local area. Curious to know more? We will delve into each region and tell you all about the specific benefits of each project in this blog.


The projects we support with WeForest are all community-based projects. What this means? The projects improve the lives of local residents while engaging them in projects that restore the local environment. Not only do these projects prevent harmful emissions being released into the air, they also provide income for many families, which can be a huge help to prevent financial challenges.

three images of tree planting project in ethopia and zambia

Our impact

Copperbelt, Zambia

In the Copperbelt, the Forests on Farms project is focused on engaging smallholder farmers to regenerate degraded forests, allowing trees to thrive and grow. WeForest provided support to three farmers’ associations including LFCA (Luanshya Forest Commodities Association), DFA (Mpongwe District Farmers’ Association), and Chinchi FA (Chinchi Wababili Women Farmers’ Association).

Farmers who are participating in the program also receive beehives to generate income from honey and they learn basic beekeeping skills. This is considered an alternative program to generate income for locals.

Regreener has brought 56.18 hectares under restoration management for this project, where 67.415 trees continue to thrive.

Total environmental impact since 2022 Activity
Regenerated 592 hectares of land - representing 710,556 trees Assisted Natural Regeneration
Total social impact since 2022
Involved 116 local farmers Assisted Natural Regeneration, Beekeeping program
Sold 90% of 30,870 kg harvested honey - generating income for farmers Beekeeping program

Amhara, Ethiopia

As of now, two project sites have been established in the Amhara region, located in Jabi-Tehnan, in the West of Gojjam province, and Machakel in East Gojjam. The project in Machakel has brought over 1200 hectares under restoration. However, the aim of the project in Jabi-Tehnan is much bigger, with the goal to restore 10,000 hectares of the Gewocha forest and surrounding communal lands by 2030.

Regreener has contributed to the restoration of 107 hectares of land, which is as big as roughly 128 football pitches, growing 125.034 trees in the area.

Total environmental impact since 2022 Activity
Restored 699,97 hectares of land Assisted Natural Regeneration, Agroforestry, Tree planting
Planted 479,264 seedlings Tree planting
Planted 7 native species Forest restoration
Total social impact since 2022
Involved 3964 community members Assisted Natural Regeneration, Beekeeping program
Involved 1682 local families Beekeeping program
Planted 11 species (of which 4 are native) For livelihood support on communal land and farms

Desa'a, Ethiopia

Desa’a is one of the largest forests in Northern Ethiopia and is critical to the livelihoods of half a million people. This project is aiming to bring water back to the region, reverse soil erosion and lift communities out of poverty.

The project has now restored over one-third of the 40,000 ha landscape, despite the continuation of the war in the region through 2022. However, restrictions on markets, fuel, and bank closures have significantly impacted alternative programmes to generate income for local families. Fortunately, a peace-deal was formed at the end of the year, providing a positive outlook for 2023.

Since 2022, 3.08 hectares has been brought under restoration management by Regreener. This represents 3000 protected, regenerated, and planted trees.

Total environmental impact since 2022 Activity
Restored 4031 hectares of land - representing a long term total of 3,9 million trees Assisted Natural Regeneration, Tree planting
Planted 737,000 seedlings Tree planting
Total social impact since 2022
Involved 11,000 families Forest restoration
Involved 3200 households Alternative income generating activities: Honey production, poultry, small ruminants and agroforestry

All projects are in line with the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals. Some goals include fighting poverty, hunger, inequality, and more. Check out our Project pages to read more about all our tree planting projects.

What's next?

  • In the Copperbelt, 1250 beehives will be installed on private farms for newly recruited and trained farmers. Moreover, 2 alternative income programs will be implemented in 2023 to increase the income of participating farmers even further.
  • In Amhara, community engagement through training and restoration activities will continue. The production of tree seedlings has already started for planting activities this year. Furthermore, 20 short-term laborers were employed for pot filling.
  • In Desa’a, a survey to evaluate the impact of forest friendly income programmes on local households is planned this year. Next to that, preparations for planting have been executed so actual planting activities can start in July.

If you’re feeling inspired, click here to contribute to positive climate impact with Regreener.

Take action today with Regreener

Boris Bekkering

Boris Bekkering Head of Climate Impact