
Regreener is now live

  • Amsterdam, The Netherlands
    • 2021-05-01
    • Reading time: 2 minutes
Light green Regreener Logo on a dark green background

About Regreener

Regreener plants trees and supports certified carbon offsetting projects on behalf of its users. The platform is revolutionizing the fight against climate change. By offering subscriptions and one-off contributions to individuals and companies, it has created a complete platform to plant trees, fund CO2-reducing initiatives and make the world greener. In doing all this, transparency and trust are essential. The impact of the community is closely monitored, and evidence of the trees that are planted and the amount of carbon that is offset will be published on the website. Before co-founding Regreener, Bernard de Wit owned a company that offered language courses, and later worked for a tech company. "I strongly feel that I cannot shy away from my responsibility to contribute, and to do as much as I can to repair the damage we have done to our planet and to the creatures that inhabit it", says De Wit. "The future of our planet looks bad, and the time for change is now. I am happy that we make the fight against climate change accessible for a large group. We are currently on a path which will lead us past the 1,5°C degree tipping point. I strongly believe that our platform can really make a change if the community grows big enough."

Full-grown trees at a planting site from Regreener's partner Eden Reforestation Projects

Job van Hooijdonk

Van Hooijdonk worked as an M&A and Banking & Finance lawyer for British law firm Clifford Chance for three and a half years. "I came to the conclusion that the time for change is now. We are facing one of the biggest problems of our time. I believe that complaining about the current situation is not the way forward. We need to be realistic but also optimistic: climate change is a big problem, but we can actually turn this around by planting lots of trees and compensating CO2-footprints. I strongly believe that consumers and businesses are willing to do their part, but there is no easy and affordable way to make a positive impact. That is what Regreener is offering."

Regreener is now live and can be visited via

Take action today with Regreener

Boris Bekkering

Boris Bekkering Head of Climate Impact