
The green revolution in business: a path to sustainable profitability

  • Amsterdam, the Netherlands
    • 2023-11-20
    • Reading time: 9 minutes
modern business building with sustainable garden

In recent years, the concept of sustainability has transitioned from being a niche interest to a central concern, especially within the corporate sector. This growing focus on sustainable practices reflects a broader societal shift towards environmental consciousness and responsibility. Currently, the corporate world is riding a green wave, characterized by a deepening commitment to sustainable practices. Indications strongly suggest that this trend is not just a fleeting phenomenon but a fundamental [shift in how businesses operate] (

The emphasis on sustainability in the corporate realm has been propelled by several factors. Increasingly, consumers are showing a preference for companies that demonstrate environmental stewardship and ethical practices. This shift in consumer behavior is prompting businesses to reevaluate and redesign their operations, products, and services to align with these values. Additionally, regulatory changes and governmental policies around the world are mandating more sustainable practices, creating a regulatory environment that encourages, or in some cases, requires businesses to go green.

Making business sustainable

In the contemporary business landscape, the push towards sustainability is more than just a trend; it's a necessary evolution. An increasing number of businesses are beginning to practice sustainability, although it's crucial to differentiate between just communicating about it and the actual incorporation of social and environmental issues into business strategies. This shift towards sustainable practices isn't just ethically sound – it makes good business sense.

Understanding the benefits of going green: The benefits of adopting sustainable practices are manifold. Initially, establishing new environmentally friendly processes might require a significant investment of time and resources. However, these investments often pay off in the long run, not only in terms of financial savings (such as reduced energy costs and waste) but also in enhancing the company's reputation. A positive corporate image can lead to increased customer loyalty, a stronger brand, and even attract quality employees who are seeking responsible employers.

Identifying and empowering a sustainability champion: A critical step in making a business sustainable is finding a champion within the organization. Sustainability efforts often span multiple departments and require a coordinated approach. This champion – whether an office manager, HR manager, or facilities manager – should be someone with the authority and passion to drive sustainability initiatives forward. Assigning this role to a trainee or part-time supervisor might send a message that the organization doesn’t truly value sustainability. Instead, the role should be given to someone who can integrate sustainability into the company’s DNA and ensure that initiatives are taken seriously and implemented effectively.

woman holding a sustainable meeting

Engaging stakeholders: Shareholders, customers, and employees are increasingly vocal in their demand for businesses to act sustainably. This means operating with consideration for people and the environment. By addressing the growing market for sustainable goods and services, businesses can lay the foundation for long-term, sustainable profits. Engaging with these stakeholders – understanding their concerns, desires, and expectations – can provide valuable insights into how the business can operate more sustainably.

Rethinking business models for sustainability: The challenge of establishing a profitable business while also maintaining sustainability can seem daunting. However, if the leadership team is willing to rethink and reimagine the possibilities, they can create real business value that aligns with sustainable practices. This could involve reevaluating supply chains, investing in renewable energy, adopting circular economy principles, or even rethinking product designs to minimize waste and environmental impact.

The Triple-Bottom-line

Introduced by John Elkington, the triple-bottom-line is a framework for accounting that considers the social, environmental, and financial aspects of performance. Adopting a triple-bottom-line strategy may appear unrealistic in a culture that prioritizes profit above value. However, innovative businesses have repeatedly demonstrated that it's possible to generate profits while doing good.

If you're not ready to dive right into it, you might start by questioning if your business is truly providing value from a holistic viewpoint. Take a few small steps that everyone can support. Making the right improvements in one area can have a positive influence on your efforts in another. This could be the impetus your business needs to embrace a triple-bottom-line mindset. Whatever steps are taken to implement a triple-bottom-line strategy, what matters most is that the management team and employees are driven by factors other than profit.

The challenges

The following are some of the major challenges that businesses face while attempting to become more sustainable:

  • Many don't believe they have the time or money to implement sustainability plans correctly and successfully.
  • When others within your organization don't support, take seriously, or care about your sustainability initiatives, whether it be with senior management or your employees, it can be challenging to really put them into practice.
  • If you can't accurately assess the results, it's difficult to figure out if your efforts were successful.
  • When trying to expand your business and turn a profit at the same time, a vague, unfocused green plan may quickly become overwhelming.

The advantages of business sustainability

Business sustainability benefits the company as a whole as well as the environment and society at large. Here are just a handful of the numerous advantages of running a more sustainable company:

  • Enhanced brand recognition and competitive edge
  • Attract investors and personnel
  • Positive impact on shareholders
  • Boost productivity and cut expenses
  • Improve the capacity of businesses to adhere to regulations
  • Many tax benefits
  • Increase customer interest
  • Safeguard the business's survival
  • Streamline waste management and greenhouse gas emissions

Examples of sustainable businesses

Here are a few exceptional green businesses globally that deserve recognition:

  • Unilever: Beyond making green investments, Unilever has incorporated sustainability into its brand.
  • IBM: Another early supporter of sustainability and an environmentally responsible company was IBM. Since the 1960s, the corporation has included CSR and environmental care in its mission.
  • Nike: When it comes to business sustainability, Nike hasn't always had a great track record, but they've made a number of changes that are greatly benefiting society.
  • PepsiCo: In an effort to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and the overall effects of climate change, PepsiCo has implemented sustainable business practices. It operates in a way that lowers its need for natural resources, preserving the environment in the process.

Despite being a relatively small country, the Netherlands also continues to advance as a global leader in sustainable business practices because of the numerous efforts of the people and government. Numerous businesses are spending money to make the nation and the entire planet a little smarter and greener.

Startup ViriCiti, located in Amsterdam, is searching for ways to promote the usage of electric vehicles. Over 65% of Dutch electric buses now have their technology installed. The first hydrogen-powered scooter was created in Arnhem in 2020 by a company called Everything About Hydrogen.

A few other companies include EVBox, a major manufacturer of software and charging facilities for electric vehicles worldwide; Hello Energy which wants to develop energy-positive building structures by bringing together real estate stakeholders and utilizing practical sustainability information; MushBIN which takes up the challenge to collect the waste at each office which is then processed into fresh raw materials; and many more.

The Planet Positive Workforce impact: a new paradigm in corporate sustainability

In an era where environmental consciousness is increasingly becoming a cornerstone of corporate responsibility, the need for businesses to demonstrate their commitment to sustainability has never been more critical. One innovative approach to this is through the Planet Positive Workforce initiative, a program designed to help businesses actively contribute to environmental conservation by offsetting the carbon footprint of their employees. This initiative represents a significant stride in corporate environmental responsibility, going beyond traditional sustainability practices.

The concept behind the Planet Positive Workforce is straightforward yet impactful. Businesses can participate by paying a nominal monthly amount for each employee. This contribution is then invested in various green projects, such as reforestation, renewable energy, or community-based sustainability initiatives. By doing so, companies are not only offsetting the carbon emissions generated by their employees' professional activities but also contributing to positive environmental change on a larger scale.

At Regreener, our commitment to building a more sustainable future is resolute. We understand that the path to environmental sustainability requires collaborative efforts. That’s why the Planet Positive Workforce initiative is a crucial step towards this goal. By partnering with us, businesses join a movement dedicated to making tangible, measurable impacts on the environment. Our approach is rooted in transparency and accountability. The impact of each contribution is quantifiable, ensuring that businesses and their employees can see the real difference their participation makes.

One of the unique aspects of this initiative is the creation of a public sustainability profilefor participating businesses. This profile serves as a testament to a company’s commitment to sustainability. It showcases the specific environmental projects that the business's contributions are supporting, thus providing a transparent and concrete account of their environmental impact. This profile can be shared with customers, stakeholders, and the public, enhancing the company’s reputation as a responsible and environmentally conscious organization.

Screenshot from the regreener impact dashboard

The Planet Positive Workforce initiative goes beyond just offsetting carbon emissions; it's about fostering a culture of sustainability within the corporate sphere and beyond. By involving employees in this initiative, companies can encourage a broader awareness and understanding of environmental issues among their workforce. This, in turn, can inspire more sustainable practices in the personal lives of employees, amplifying the initiative’s overall impact.


"Business as usual" has taken on a new meaning. There are several ways that sustainability can increase profitability. Gaining a good reputation, increasing efficiency, and future-proofing against regulations are all advantages. Find the best ways to execute change by taking the time to periodically examine your processes.

To put it simply, engaging in social welfare and using ethical and sustainable business practices help businesses increase profitability, connect with the community, and increase leads and consumers.

Take action today with Regreener

Boris Bekkering

Boris Bekkering Head of Climate Impact