
Webinar recording: Navigating Sustainability in Business

  • Amsterdam, the Netherlands
    • 2023-10-23
    • Reading time: 1 minutes
Banner webinar navigating sustainability in business

Watch the recording of our recent webinar

On October 3rd we at Regreener hosted a webinar: Navigating Sustainability in Business. Relevant themes within sustainability were discussed together with Hedgehog Company, Anteagroup, and CCV.

During our webinar, we shed light on important topics such as:

  1. How to introduce sustainability in your organisation
  2. The latest developments regarding sustainability in business
  3. The current challenges in data collection

Webinar banner with logos of Regreener, Hedgehog Company, Anteagroup and CCV

Take action today with Regreener

Boris Bekkering

Boris Bekkering Head of Climate Impact