Bomen planten

Tree planting in Mozambique

  • Bomen planten -
    • Maputo Bay, Mozambique
    • Leestijd: 5 min
Local community planting mangrove seedlings in Mozambique

Project beoordeling


CO₂ impact

Biodiversity benefits

Socio-economic benefits

Data transparency

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Project informatie

At a glance

For this project we are working with Eden Reforestation Projects, a non-profit organization recognized as one of the most cost-effective reforestation projects on the planet. Mozambique is home to 20 globally threatened bird species, and over 200 endemic mammal species. With 45% of the population living beneath the poverty line, the population relies heavily on its natural resources and forests for survival. They have been working with local communities to replant and protect Mozambique's forest systems since 2018. At a large scale, they have planted a total of 280,000 trees in the first three months of planting.

CO₂ impact

In response to the large-scale loss of mangroves in Mozambique, Eden Reforestation Projects initiated the Maputo Bay Reforestation Initiative with a vision to bring back the vitality of the forests that fringe the rivers and coastline of Maputo Bay. Research indicates that mangroves sequester carbon at a rate two or four times greater than mature tropical forests. They also contain the highest carbon density of all terrestrial ecosystems, able to store carbon up to five to ten times more than mature tropical forests. Next to that, each tree planted is able to remove over 308kg of CO2 over its 25-year lifespan, or 12kg of CO2 per tree per year, which is of great importance to fight our climate crisis.

Biodiversity benefits

The country is home to 20 globally threatened bird species and over 200 endemic mammal species. Eden’s Mangrove restoration and reforestation program helps to increase biodiversity by providing areas for breeding, nesting, foraging, and shelter for both resident and travelling organisms. Mangroves are known for the protective nature of their root systems that work against harsh open-ocean conditions. They also improve Mozambique’s ocean and coral reef health. Furthermore, only native tree species are planted in the planting sites, avoiding any other invasive species that may harm the surrounding environment and its biodiversity. ­­­

Socio-economic benefits

The project supports local communities by letting them plant and manage mangrove forests, offering long-term employment and an improvement in livelihoods. Eden’s work in Mozambique helps to protect coastal communities from environmental disasters, while addressing the urgent need for poverty alleviation and women empowerment. The program began in October 2018 with the Katembe and Madjuva planting sites near Maputo. Since then, operations have grown to include several new mangrove sites. Eden has also expanded to Beira in central Mozambique. All of this contributes to the long-term and sustainable success of local communities, as they are given new opportunities at economic self-sufficiency, improved health, and education.

Project gallery

Location of the project

Project partner

Eden Reforestation Projects

This project is run by Eden Reforestation Projects (Eden), a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that was established in 2004. Edens’s mission is to provide jobs to local villagers based on their ‘Employ to Plant’-methodology. Eden hires local villagers to grow, plant, and guard native trees species planted on behalf of our community and other contributors – on a massive scale. Eden is active in 11 countries and provides employment to over 11,500 employees.

United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals

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Foto van teamgenoot Boris Bekkering

Boris Bekkering Head of Climate Impact