Emission removal

Restoring and conserving Katingan Peatland in Indonesia

  • Emission removal - Agriculture Forestry/ Afforestation / Restoration
    • Katingan Peatland, Indonesia
    • Reading time: 5 min
Local planting tree in conserved peatland area in Indonesia 1

Project rating


Carbon impact


Data Transparency & Governance

  • Low
  • Moderate
  • High
  • Very high

At a glance

Tropical peatlands store large amounts of carbon, but when cleared for development, they release greenhouse gases. In Indonesian Borneo, the expansion of plantations on peatlands contributes to a significant portion of the country's greenhouse gas emissions. The Katingan Peatland Restoration and Conservation Project aims to protect and restore large areas of peatland and plant trees, providing sustainable income for locals and addressing climate change. The project preserves and improves CO2 storage and removal, stabilizes water flows, prevents peat fires, enriches soil nutrients, and ensures clean water availability.

Carbon impact

The Katingan Mentaya Peatland Project has a significant impact on CO2 emissions. By protecting and restoring large areas of peatland ecosystems, the project prevents the release of CO2. The peatlands store vast amounts of carbon, and by preserving them, the project helps mitigate climate change by keeping the stored carbon out of the atmosphere. The project also reforests an area of 4,433 ha, further contributing to CO2 removal. The project is estimated to result in GHG emission reductions and removals equivalent to 7,451,846 tCO2e annually, over the project crediting period (till 2070).


The biodiversity criteria for the project include globally significant concentrations of biodiversity values, large landscape-level areas with various populations of species and threatened or rare ecosystems. The project zone in Indonesian Borneo contains diverse habitats and supports numerous endangered and critically endangered species. Under the baseline scenario, the area would be cleared for industrial plantations, causing a catastrophic impact on biodiversity. The project scenario however aims to protect the entire area and restore degraded sections, ensuring the long-term survival of habitat and species. The project implements measures to control illegal hunting, protect intact forests, and promote sustainable practices to enhance biodiversity within the wider project zone.

The Katingan Mentaya Peatland Project brings meaningful socio-economic benefits to local communities. By offering sustainable sources of income, the project creates livelihood opportunities for the residents. The protection and restoration of the peatland ecosystems ensure the preservation of valuable natural resources, such as clean water and soil fertility, which directly benefit the local population of the project area. Additionally, the project's engagement with communities, government, and industries promotes sustainable agricultural practices, contributing to long-term economic stability and improved living conditions.

Project gallery

Location of the project

Project partner

Verified Carbon Standard (Verra)

This project is verified by Verified Carbon Standard (VCS). VCS was established in 2007 and is a full-fledged carbon offset program developed and run by the non-profit Verra. It focuses on GHG reduction attributes only and does not require projects to have additional environmental or social benefits. The VCS is broadly supported by the carbon offset industry (project developers, large offset buyers, verifiers, and projects consultants) and is active globally.

United Nations' Sustainable development goals

Over 500 local community members were hired full-time under project and received insurance and pensions.
25 community-based health programmes in 20 villages supported. 100 farmers joined agroecology school.
Over 800 locals have better access to healthcare of which 600 are women.
Educational assistance to 6 villages. Online training for 70 elementary school teachers in 17 villages.
Equal salary policy. Microfinancing program to expand job opportunities for women.
80 new land-based latrines in 6 villages. Over 1,000 people have increased access to clean water and sanitation.
Microfinancing to over 110 women and 214 men in over 7 villages. 72 farmers trained to improve crop revenue.
±600 ha replanted forest with about 78,400 seedlings. 32,100,000 tCO2e emission reductions to date.
44 IUCN vulnerable or endangered species in project area, a.o. 5-10% of remaining Bornean Orangutan population.
Third party audits on national and international level. Robust anti-corruption measures in place.
Close partnerships, e.g. cooperation with police department to prevent illegal logging.

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Boris Bekkering

Boris Bekkering Head of Climate Impact