Emission reduction & avoidance

Clean wind energy in Izmir Turkey

  • Emission reduction & avoidance - Wind Energy
    • Bergama town, Izmir, Turkey
    • Reading time: 6 min
Areal view of wind project in Turkey

Project rating


Carbon impact


Data Transparency & Governance

  • Low
  • Moderate
  • High
  • Very high

Project information

At a glance

This project installs and connects 22 wind turbines to the local electricity grid in Izmir Turkey. Two types of General Electric turbines, between 2,75 and 3,2 Mw have been placed 60 km north of Izmir. The aim of the project is to reduce emittance of greenhouse gases substantially in the region. The project is estimated to avoid 130,171 tCO2e over the project crediting period of seven years by preventing import of natural gas and producing renewable electricity instead. The project enhances local employment during construction and operation.

Carbon impact

This project makes a substantial local contribution in the shift towards clean energy. With the project, dependency on fossil resources for electricity production is reduced. An estimated electricity net generation of 238,000 MWh per year by the efficient utilization of the available wind energy by project activity replaces the grid electricity, which is constituted of different fuel sources, mainly fossil fuels. The electricity produced by project activity results in annual estimated emission reduction of 131,241 tonnes of CO2/year. Moreover, project activity contributes further dissemination of wind energy and extension of national power generation. The generation of electricity started on 21/04/2017.

The project helps Turkey to stimulate and commercialise the use of grid connected renewable energy technologies and markets. The project also demonstrates the viability of grid connected wind farms which can support improved energy security, improved air quality, alternative sustainable energy futures, improved local livelihoods and sustainable renewable energy industry development. The specific goals of the project are to:

• reduce greenhouse gas emissions in Turkey compared to the business-as-usual scenario; • help to stimulate the growth of the wind power industry in Turkey; • create local employment during the construction and the operation phase of the wind farm; • reduce other pollutants resulting from power generation industry in Turkey, compared to a business-as-usual scenario; • help to reduce Turkeys increasing energy deficit; • and differentiate the electricity generation mix and reduce import dependency.

By replacing in the consumption of fossil fuels, the project contributes to the conservation of water, soil, flora and faunas and transfers these natural resources and also the additional supply of these primary energy sources to the future generations.

In the absence of the project activity, an equivalent amount of electricity would have been generated from the power plants connected to the grid, majority of which are based on fossil fuels. Thus, the project is replacing the greenhouse gas emissions (CO2, CH4) and other pollutants (SOX, NOX, particulate matters) occurring from extraction, processing, transportation and burning of fossil-fuels for power generation connected to the national grid.


Firstly, the project helps to accelerate the growth of the wind power industry and stimulate the designation and production of renewable energy technologies in Turkey. Then, other entrepreneurs irrespective of sector will be encouraged to invest in wind power generations. It also assists to reduce Turkey’s increasing energy deficit and diversify the electricity generation mix while reducing import dependency, especially natural gas. Importantly, rural development is maintained in the areas around the project site by providing infrastructural investments to these remote villages.

The project's environmental impacts are considered minor because it doesn't harm local animal populations or natural resources. Local authorities conducted an impact assessment, closely monitoring the region's animal colonies. Importantly, there are no endangered species in the project area, nor does it harm areas with such species through transboundary effects.

Local employment is enhanced by all project activities during construction and operation of wind farm. The project boosts local development and levels of income by generating new income opportunities for community members, both directly and indirectly, during construction, operations, and ongoing maintenance. It actively promotes technology transfer and self-reliance by enhancing the skills of its employees through training. This engagement with the local community also inspires young people to pursue careers that make them eligible for other renewable projects in the region. Furthermore, the project builds expertise within the sector, reinforcing institutional capabilities and bolstering investor confidence in this technology.

Construction materials for the foundations, cables and other auxiliary equipment are preferentially sourced locally. As contribution of the project to welfare of the region, the quality of the electricity consumed in the region will be increased by local electricity production, which also contributes decreasing of distribution losses. Implementation of the proposed project contributes to wider deployment of wind power technology in local and national level. It demonstrates the viability of larger grid connected wind farms, which support improved energy security, alternative sustainable energy, and also, renewable energy industry development.

Project gallery

Location of the project

Project partner

Gold Standard

This project is verified by Gold Standard. The Gold Standard was established in 2003 by WWF and other international NGO’s. It is a voluntary carbon offset program focused on progressing the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and ensuring that project’s benefit their neighboring communities. The certification mark is awarded and managed by the Gold Standard Foundation, a non-profit foundation.

United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals

Avoidance of around 4.9 million m3 of wastewater discharge to local environment per year.
Avoidance of around 23,000 m3 natural gas imported due to project activity and production of 236,075 MWh of renewable energy per year.
The project employs 12 employees of which half belong to local population.
132,070 tonnes of CO2 emission avoidance.

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Boris Bekkering

Boris Bekkering Head of Climate Impact