Emission removal

Generating clean electricity from hydropower in Uganda

  • Emission removal - Hydroelectric Energy
    • Kanungu, Uganda
    • Reading time: 5 min
Area photo of Kanungu hydropower station in Uganda

Project rating


CO₂ impact

Biodiversity benefits

Socio-economic benefits

Data transparency

  • Low
  • Moderate
  • High
  • Very high

Project information

At a glance

The Kanungu Power Station (Ishasha Small Hydropower project) is a renewable energy project in which electricity is created through hydropower. The plant harnesses water from the Ishasha river and runs it for about 90 metres through two turbines to generate electricity which will be transmitted to the national grid system. Their annual electricity production is 31,596 MWh. The project is located just outside the border of Bwindi Forest National Park in the Kanungu District, in Western Uganda. The primary objective of the project is to supply affordable electricity and contribute to environmental and economical sustainability for the population of Uganda.

CO₂ impact

Hydropower presents various environmental benefits compared to other primary energy sources. Firstly, hydropower does not result in emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere nor does it emit residuals that can have a negative impact on soil, vegetation, drinking water etc. As a renewable energy source hydropower can be sustainably used by future generations, which contributes to conservation of the local environment. The proposed project will reduce emissions other than GHG emissions related to conventional electricity generation, such as emissions of sulphur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, and particulates. Furthermore, it is a domestic source of energy, therefore allowing Uganda to produce their own energy without being reliant on international fuel sources.

Biodiversity benefits

Hydropower does not emit residuals that can have a negative impact on soil, vegetation and drinking water, which contributes to conserving local biodiversity. Furthermore, the project activity generates clean and green power and therefore causes little greenhouse gas emissions. This means that substantial pollution is avoided, which is beneficial to its surrounding biodiversity in the long term. However, the project can affect biodiversity by changing the environment around the dam. The small size of the project helps with minimizing the impact created. Next to that, Bare land and agricultural land bought by the project will be re-vegetated (in this case re-forested) by the developer.

Socio-economic benefits

This hydropower plant provides clean energy to the grid, reducing Uganda’s increasing energy deficit and import dependency. It also gives local communities in the area access to electricity, which brings both social and economic benefits. Without a modern source of electricity, medicine and food cannot be refrigerated, and children cannot study at night or access high quality learning materials. Access to electricity also facilitates economic growth in the region, supporting the growth of local entrepreneurs and providing opportunities for industrial expansion. Lastly, the project creates local employment during the construction and operation phase of the hydropower station.

Project gallery

Location of the project

Project verification

Clean Development Mechanism - Certified Emission Reduction

This project is CDM CER verified. The Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) is operational since 2006 and is part of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). The CDM offers the public and private sector in high-income nations the opportunity to purchase carbon credits from offset projects in low or middle-income nations, stimulating sustainable development, local economies, and emission reduction.

United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals

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Boris Bekkering

Boris Bekkering Head of Climate Impact