Emission removal

Methane fermentation and energy generation in the Netherlands

  • Emission removal - Methane fermentation
    • Noord-Brabant, the Netherlands
    • Reading time: 5 min
Project location renewable energy in The Netherlands

Project rating


CO₂ impact

Biodiversity benefits

Socio-economic benefits

Data transparency

  • Low
  • Moderate
  • High
  • Very high

Project information

At a glance

The main objective of the project is the technical production of electricity and heat with biogas generated out of manure, to prevent uncontrolled methane emissions into the atmosphere and the use of fossil fuels. The project activity mitigates GHG emissions by replacing fossil fuels with renewable energy and prevents soil and ground water contamination. The annual average estimation of GHG emission reductions from the project activity is 17,209 tonnes of CO2 per year. The total GHG emission reductions over the crediting period of 10 years are 172,088 tonnes of CO2 per year. The project takes place in the Dutch provinces of Limburg and North Brabant, The Netherlands.

CO₂ benefits

The total GHG emissions caused by the project activity are zero. The project will contribute to reaching the European CO2 reduction target that aims for 55 percent reduction by 2030, by creating heat and electricity from renewable energy sources. It will capture methane gas from decomposing manure of livestock and reduces GHG’s through the substitution of fossil sources by using biogas, which has and would have to be driven by stationary diesel motors in absence of the project. The annual average estimation of GHG emission reductions from the project activity is 17,209 tonnes of CO2 per year. The total GHG emission reductions over this crediting period of 10 years are 172,088 tonnes of CO2.

Biodiversity benefits

Considering the manageable size of the biogas plants, no severe environmental impacts need to be expected. In order to prevent environmental destruction, proper treatment of the manure is highly important. The project activity ensures proper digestion of manure in a closed and controlled technical system to guarantee a significant reduction of uncontrolled methane gas emissions. Next to that, the project activity avoids new uncontrolled waste disposal in North Brabant. Overall, the project will significantly eliminate GHG emissions in the form of methane and CO2, hence contributing to the fight against climate change which is one of the main drivers of biodiversity loss.

Socio-economic benefits

The reduction of emissions improves the local air quality in the Wilbertoord area and in the province of North Brabant, hence increasing the quality of life of the local population. Furthermore, the project creates employment and business opportunities for local stakeholders and farming-related companies, such as biomass suppliers, transporters, bankers/consultants, equipment suppliers/manufacturers and contractors, etc. Within the farming sector, sustainable new economic opportunities are created as the areas of work are expanding from pic farming to energy production. Moreover, the use of the manure and crop residues brings additional revenue to farmers and renewable energy is produced to be fed in the local power grid.

Project gallery

Location of the project

Project verification

Verified Carbon Standard

This project is verified by Verified Carbon Standard (VCS). VCS was established in 2007 and is a full-fledged carbon offset program developed and run by the non-profit Verra. It focuses on GHG reduction attributes only and does not require projects to have additional environmental or social benefits. The VCS is broadly supported by the carbon offset industry (project developers, large offset buyers, verifiers, and projects consultants) and is active globally

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Boris Bekkering

Boris Bekkering Head of Climate Impact