
Quick wins to reduce your company carbon footprint

Quick wins to reduce your company carbon footprint


Businesses are under increasing pressure to reduce their carbon footprint. While the journey to sustainability may seem challenging, there are various quick wins your company can implement to make a significant impact on the companies’ environmental impact.

In this knowledge article, we'll delve into practical and effective measures that your SME can take to reduce your carbon footprint and raise awareness without breaking the bank. These quick wins are not only easy to implement but also yield immediate results, making them the perfect starting point for your sustainability journey.

Measures for any company

Implementing a carbon reduction strategy requires a comprehensive approach that encompasses every aspect of your organization's operations. To read more about why your company should have a carbon footprint reduction strategy you can read this knowledge article.

From the way you manage your building to the choices you make in transportation and office supplies, every decision has a direct impact on your company's carbon footprint. Below you can find a breakdown of a few ‘applicable-to-all’ measures to reduce your organization's carbon footprint.

Building management:

  • Procure 100% renewable electricity: switch to renewable energy sources like solar or wind power to eliminate reliance on fossil fuels.
  • Install led lighting: leds consume significantly less energy than traditional incandescent and fluorescent bulbs, reducing power consumption and associated emissions.
  • Implement smart temperature control: employ energy management systems to optimize heating and cooling, minimizing energy usage and reducing the need for artificial climate control.
  • Reduce air conditioning usage: encourage natural ventilation whenever possible, optimize air conditioning settings, and consider heat-reflective window films to minimize heat gain.
  • Conserve water: implement water-efficient fixtures, fix leaks promptly, and adopt water-saving practices to reduce water consumption and wastewater treatment emissions.
  • Green roofs: integrate vegetation on office rooftops to improve air quality, reduce heat absorption, reduce water runoff, lower air conditioning demand, and promote biodiversity.
  • Seek green building certification: pursue certification through programs like breeam or leed, which recognize and reward sustainable building practices.

Sustainable mobility policies:

  • Electrify company vehicles: gradually phase out gasoline-powered vehicles and transition to an electric fleet, reducing greenhouse gas emissions from transportation.
  • Encourage biking and public transportation: provide incentives for employees to commute by bike or public transport, reducing reliance on personal vehicles.
  • Offer public transport cards: provide employees with discounted or subsidized public transport passes, further promoting eco-friendly commuting.
  • Implement a stricter company flying policy: limit unnecessary flights, and only allow air travel for journeys exceeding eight hours by train, encouraging rail travel whenever feasible.
  • Promote working from home: encourage remote work arrangements to reduce commuting and associated emissions.

Other initiatives:

  • Establish a green team: form a dedicated green team or sustainability committee to drive sustainable initiatives, foster employee engagement, and suggest creative solutions.
  • Offer sustainable office meals: provide vegetarian, non-dairy, local, and seasonal food options, promoting sustainable catering practices.
  • Reconsider your banking and pension partner. Some banks and pension funds are considerably more conscious of where they invest your money than others. By working with a sustainable bank or pension fund, your company can have a serious indirect impact on the world.
  • Implement a sustainable office supply policy: prioritize reusable materials, leasing over purchasing, and adopting a circular economy approach to office supplies.
  • Utilize green cleaning products: choose eco-friendly cleaning products that minimize environmental impact and potential health risks.
  • Source sustainable wood materials: source 100% fsc or pefc certified wood materials to ensure responsible forestry practices and minimize deforestation.
  • Educate employees: conduct training and awareness sessions to educate employees about energy conservation on electronic devices and promote eco-conscious practices.
  • Choose sustainable event giveaways: offer eco-friendly promotional items made from recycled materials, organic cotton, or sustainable alternatives to traditional plastic items.


By implementing these straightforward and effective measures, businesses of all sizes can significantly reduce their carbon footprint, contribute to environmental sustainability, and reap the benefits of a more sustainable modus operandi of your business.

For further information on how to reduce your company carbon footprint, feel free to reach out to us.

Take action today with Regreener

Boris Bekkering

Boris Bekkering Head of Climate Impact