
Communicating on impact: best practices

  • Amsterdam, the Netherlands
    • 2023-12-18
    • Reading time: 4 minutes
Employees in the office strategising sustainable communication

We often see an imbalance between sustainability initiatives or generated impact and the way companies communicate about it. Companies are often hesitant with promoting positive impact or are overly bullish on their sustainability achievements. This chapter serves as a guide in finding

People are becoming more environmentally conscious as they realize how important transformation and progress are to our future. Businesses are being pushed to act to safeguard the environment due to the fast rise in environmental concerns.

The green team

The Green Team holds a central role in leading sustainability efforts and communication within the organization. However, many environmentally committed companies struggle to share their efforts due to the complexity of sustainability and fear of negative publicity.

Despite concerns about inadequate action or imperfect supply chains, honesty is valued, and gradual progress is accepted. Creating clear sustainability goals and a mission statement is crucial for building a sustainable business, supplementing the existing business mission rather than replacing it.

Green communication

Businesses must prioritize transparent communication about their environmental impact, reaching stakeholders through diverse channels to raise awareness. When employing green communication methods:

  • Tailored messaging based on demographics like age and gender enhances the effectiveness of environmentally friendly campaigns.
  • Focused communication on green habits, utilizing emotionally resonant themes, influences consumer behavior positively.
  • Consistent and persistent communication reinforces the brand's green image, requiring specific, substantiated statements to build trust and foster favorable attitudes towards environmental marketing.
  • Maintaining a constant presence in customers' minds is key for businesses to maximize the impact and establish a strong green brand positioning.

The evolving nature of green businesses presents unexplored areas affecting customer behavior. Failure in green communication often results from inadequate channels. Additionally, low credibility stems from vague environmental claims and a lack of eco-friendly branding in advertisements, leading consumers to distrust companies based on past experiences.

Different methods of communication

Various communication approaches include:

  • Integrating sustainability sections on websites
  • Hosting events to showcase progress
  • Emphasizing achievements in newsletters and social media
  • Utilizing internal tools for climate-related content.
  • Express gratitude to consumers through special offers for supporting green initiatives.

The green team aids industry shifts by engaging in CSR awards, discussing sustainability, educating peers, and advocating for voluntary reporting standards.


Labeling products as 'green,' 'vegan,' or 'sustainable' doesn't guarantee authenticity. 'Greenwashing,' whether intentional or not, blurs the line between claiming environmental friendliness and actual practices. This occurs when businesses divert attention from their environmental impact or falsely portray themselves as climate advocates. Greenwashing, serving as a marketing ploy rather than genuine environmental commitment, exploits by prioritizing financial gains over adjustments. Recognizing and condemning greenwashing is vital to prevent misleading information causing environmental harm.

Best practices for green communication

To prevent greenwashing, take specific steps:

  • Ensure clarity in statements with relevant certifications and reputable endorsements.
  • Support sustainability claims with verifiable, up-to-date data from reputable sources.
  • Fairly compare product sustainability to rivals of the same type to avoid deceiving customers.
  • Integrate sustainability into corporate strategies, focusing on eco-friendly practices in distribution, waste management, and manufacturing.
  • Maintain transparency about environmental initiatives, product eco-friendliness, and broader sustainability policies, setting clear goals for accountability.
  • Finally, align impact funding with product prices, avoiding nominal funding that doesn't match the product's cost to uphold authenticity and prevent greenwashing.

Planet positive workforce

We help businesses in removing obstacles to sustainability communication so they can clearly express their commitments, even if the brand is only beginning its transition to more sustainable practices. One way you can reduce your impact is through the Planet Positive Workforce initiative at Regreener.

You can pay a monthly sum per employee to negate the carbon footprint of each of your employees. This money is then invested in a variety of green initiatives, such as planting trees, protecting rainforests, and energy-efficiency initiatives.

A public sustainability profile is provided to make the impact clear for businesses to communicate with their clients and customers.


Businesses are starting to understand the advantages of sharing insights on their sustainability journey through green communication as they become more conscious of the effects of their companies on the environment and the significance of being more sustainable. Going green is profitable. Businesses are using the trend by touting as many environmental benefits for their brands as they can, even if these claims are exaggerated beyond the realm of reality. Try your best to convey the sustainability story of your business while avoiding "greenwashing."

Take action today with Regreener

Boris Bekkering

Boris Bekkering Head of Climate Impact