
Regreener is now a Certified B Corp!

  • Amsterdam, the Netherlands
    • 2024-01-03
    • Reading time: 3 minutes
Regreener is a B Corporation since 2 January 2024

After a long process, we have finally made it: Regreener is now officially a certified B Corp company. By becoming a B Corp, we join more than 6,000 certified B Corporations in over 80 countries and more than 150 sectors. What these companies have in common? They are all committed to positive impact on society and the environment.

What is B Corp?

A B Corporation (also B Corp) is a for-profit company certified by B Lab for its social impact. B Corp certification is awarded by B Lab, a global non-profit organisation. To become (and remain) certified, companies must achieve a minimum score of 80 from an assessment of their social and environmental performance, include B Corp commitments to stakeholders in the company's governance documents and pay an annual fee based on annual turnover. Companies must recertify every three years in order to maintain their B Corporation status.

B Lab certification is a standard that requires companies to meet social sustainability and environmental performance standards, be accountable and be transparent to the public based on the score they receive on the assessment. The B Lab certification applies company-wide across all product lines and issue areas.

How to become a B Corp?

B Corp certification means that a company meets high standards in areas such as impact, accountability and transparency. To be certified, a company must: - Demonstrate high social and environmental performance by achieving a B Impact Assessment score of 80 or higher, - Pass the B Impact Assessment, - Make a legal commitment by changing its corporate governance structure to be accountable, and - Be transparent by making information on performance (measured against B Lab's standards) publicly available through a B Corp profile on B Lab's website.

Road to certification

It has taken a long time to become a B Corp. Our application started in July 2022, so it took almost a year and a half. We had to answer more than 150 questions about how Regreener operates as a company. This was a long and complicated process, but we hugely benefited from the process as well: it forced us to take a critical look at our own way of working.

The certification process is designed to ensure that B Corp certified companies meet the highest standards when it comes to verified social and climate impact. Based on the B Impact assessment, Regreener B.V. achieved an overall score of 102.1. This is a score we are very proud of, especially considering that a minimum score of 80 is sufficient to become a B Corp, and that the median score for companies completing the assessment is currently 50.9.

So what's next?

The fact that Regreener is a B Corp does not change much when we look at our day-to-day business. We will continue to do what we were doing whilst doing our best to raise our B Corp score in the coming years. For us, it is a nice recognition of the fact that we are doing good (and being green). For us, green impact is – and will continue to be – the main driver. We are very proud and happy to now be part of the B Corp movement!

Want to know more about our score? Check out our Certified B Corporation profile!

Take action today with Regreener

Boris Bekkering

Boris Bekkering Head of Climate Impact