
Sustainable communication: Methods, pitfalls and avoiding greenwashing

  • Amsterdam, the Netherlands
    • 2023-02-07
    • Reading time: 5 minutes
Person having a business conversation about sustainability

We often see that companies struggle with communicating their (positive) climate impact. Positive impact is frequently kept under the radar while it can serve to have positive effects on multiple facets of your business. Having a positive effect on the environment is what we owe to the future generation but it also positively effect employee hiring & retention, competitive advantage and in financing & investments. Next to this, you can inspire others in the industry to make a positive change as well and thereby be an agent of positive impact. On the other side, positive climate impact can also be overstated in comparison to a company’s negative climate impact, which can be labeled as greenwashing.

So, what are the different methods of communication? What challenges should you be aware of when communicating about climate impact? And how can you avoid accusations of greenwashing?

Different methods of communication

What companies communicate is always changing and differs per company. We do however often see that companies use the same means of communication which can influence effectiveness. Trying out different channels or mixing channels can have a positive effect on how your message is received. An obvious channel would be to dedicate a section on your website to sustainability or green practices. Don’t hide this section but make it one of the first things visitors see! Here are a couple more channels for you to consider.

A yearly Impact Report can be written to showcase the company's sustainability efforts and accomplishments (for inspiration: see ours). This report can be posted on the company's website and distributed to partners for wider visibility. To increase internal accountability and promote progress, the company can highlight its accomplishments and challenges in its regular newsletters. Social media platforms such as LinkedIn, Twitter, and Instagram can be used to share information and updates related to sustainability. Hosting a business event to share progress and environmental accomplishments can also be a great way to raise awareness and educate people about environmental issues. Additionally, public speaking and presentations can position the company as a sustainable leader and provide a platform to raise awareness and educate people about sustainability and environmental issues. We have recently hosted a webinar; check it out for inspiration on how to give a sustainable-themed presentation.

The challenges when communicating about sustainability

Communicating on sustainability has a few distinct challenges that are good to be aware of. The most prevalent, the challenge around greenwashing, is highlighted separately below.

Sustainability is a complex and multifaceted topic that can be challenging to communicate the issues and solutions effectively. One of the main obstacles is the lack of understanding or engagement among people, as many may not fully understand concepts or see how it relates to their own lives. People generally have no feeling of how much a ton of CO2 is or what a kilowatt hour of renewable electricity means. There may also be misconceptions or skepticism about sustainability, and the ever-evolving knowledge around the topic can make it difficult to communicate a coherent story to people. Resistance to change, especially when people are required to make changes to their own lives that does not provide them with personal benefits and only serves larger and common sustainability efforts is an important factor to consider. Communicating about sustainability can require significant resources, including time and funding which can also make it challenging to inspire action towards sustainability. Finally, cultural differences can play a role, as different cultures may have different values and perspectives on sustainability, making it difficult to communicate effectively across cultural boundaries.

How to prevent greenwashing

Greenwashing is defined as “the intersection of two firm behaviors: poor environmental performance and positive communication about environmental performance”. In other words: acting green without being green. Although accusations of greenwashing are often justified, we also see lots of situations in which companies are doing good (or trying at least) and still get accused of greenwashing. Here are a few more measures that can help you avoid (or spot) greenwashing.

To effectively communicate sustainability claims, it is important to ensure that statements are clear and understandable. This can be achieved by including relevant certifications, verified endorsements from reputable third-party environmental organizations, and using exact measurement units. It is also crucial to ensure that the data used to support sustainability claims is up-to-date, readily accessible, and verifiable. When comparing the sustainability performance of a product to that of a rival, compare it like for like with other products to avoid deceiving customers. Make sustainability a key component of your corporate strategy if you want to sell your products as environmentally friendly, make it one of the bases on which you operate throughout the organization. Implement environmentally friendly procedures in your distribution, waste management, and manufacturing processes. Be open and transparent about your company's environmental initiatives. Let customers know how environmentally friendly each of your products is, as well as the broader sustainability policies of your business. Be clear when describing your goals and timeframes so that customers may hold you accountable.

And finally ensure funded impact is relative to the price of the product or costs of your business operations. Don’t fund a nominal amount of impact which doesn’t correlate with what you are doing or offering.

We hope this helps you on our joint journey in regreening the world! If you have any questions regarding sustainable communication please feel free to reach out to us.

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Boris Bekkering

Boris Bekkering Head of Climate Impact