Emission removal

Wind energy project in Turkey

  • Emission removal - Wind Energy
    • Mersin, Turkey
    • Reading time: 5 min
Area photo of Mersin windfarm in Turkey

Project rating


CO₂ impact

Biodiversity benefits

Socio-economic benefits

Data transparency

  • Low
  • Moderate
  • High
  • Very high

Project information

At a glance

This wind farm project is located in the Mut districts of Mersin Province in Turkey. As a result of the efficient utilization of the available wind energy, this project activity will replace the grid electricity, which mainly comes from fossil fuels. The total annual energy production is about 100 MWh. The energy is fed to Gezende Dam, an arch dam on the Ermenek River in Mersin Province, situated approximately 25km southwest of the wind farm. The project will help Turkey stimulate and commercialize the use of grid connected renewable energy technologies and markets.

CO₂ benefits

The project activity comes from a clean energy source and generates renewable energy that is supplied to the grid, avoiding CO2 emissions. It will replace the grid electricity, which uses different fuel sources that cause greenhouse gas emissions. It differentiates the electricity generation mix, which reduces other pollutants from the power generation industry in Turkey. The project transfers natural resources and the additional supply of primary energy sources to future generations. The wind power project systems do not affect herbal Iife and water resources, which is confirmed by EIA reports and Environmental Impact Assessment Report of Mersin WFP. 

Biodiversity benefits

Wind energy conserves biodiversity by avoiding CO2 emissions, and avoiding air, soil and water pollution during operation. The project will contribute to conserving water, soil, flora and faunas. Furthermore, according to expert reports and 6 ornithology reports, the project area does not affect bats. However, in order to reduce collision risks, some precautions are planned to be taken, such as painting the turbine blades in a reflecting colour and appropriate lighting of the wind turbines. Next to that, to compensate for unavoidably cutting trees, forestation and landscaping activities were executed in order to mitigate the effect of the project on flora in the region.

Socio-economic benefits

This project will reduce import dependency, especially for natural gas. Rural development will be maintained in the areas around the project site by providing infrastructural investments to these remote villages. The employment of local people (having the necessary technical qualifications for the job) is a top priority and is enhanced by all project activities during both the construction and the operation of the wind farm. As a result, local poverty and unemployment will be partially eliminated by increased job opportunities and business activities related to the project. The quality of the electricity in the region will be increased because of local electricity production, which also leads to less distribution losses.

Project gallery

Location of the project

Project verification

Gold Standard

This project is verified by Gold Standard. The Gold Standard was established in 2003 by WWF and other international NGO’s. It is a voluntary carbon offset program focused on progressing the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and ensuring that project’s benefit their neighboring communities. The certification mark is awarded and managed by the Gold Standard Foundation, a non-profit foundation.

United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals

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Boris Bekkering

Boris Bekkering Head of Climate Impact